If you don’t know by now, I’m super passionate about capturing sweet connecting moments with loved ones. Time goes by so quickly and a photo is a memory forever frozen in time to cherish long after. When you look at that image, your mind takes you back to that exact moment, the feelings, the smells, the emotion, the memories, and you are filled with warmth.
I look at these photos and I feel the little hands hugging my face, the squirmy bodies impatient to get up and run around, the squeals as we play under the throw blanket and the cries as Andrew clings to me. I want to remember it all… ok, almost all of it but maybe not all the whining 😉 haha.
More than anything though, I believe in what I do because I think it is so important for you and your family to remember the love you have for each other. When you have a hard day or you yell at your kids yet again after you swore you wouldn’t resort to that anymore, I want you to see your gorgeous family photos on the walls of your home and instantly be flooded with gratitude for the family God given you. These precious people are a gift my friends… they are loaned to us for a short time and I am so very grateful that I can journey through life with them by my side. (I am so sitting in a coffee shop crying happy tears as I write this)
When there are no more words, let photos do the talking my friends. 🙂
A HUGE thank you to Vanessa with Pearl Photo & Design for this special family session.